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Francis Randall

To co-create with nature, we are going to exercise our intelligence, that is free will. We have the free will to choose what we want, to imagine what we want. This is often a big challenge because of how we have been miss-educated and informed, that we always need to be doing what others in authority are telling us to do. So we do not feel confident or safe to choose what we want. We may also confuse our habits, our past behaviour with what we really want in the current moment. This is where the spiritual element comes in as we need to learn to be present in the moment, so that we can access our genius, true self, our unique individuality free from negative influences.

This may sound a tall order. However it is important to see it as an ideal to aim at, and then give it a go to see how far we can do. Like all activities in life the more we practice, the more proficient we can become. So don’t let it’s apparent difficulty put you off. Nature is always going to give you the feedback and encouragement you need. After all, Nature needs and wants to co-create with us, this is all part of the evolutionary process.

Daydreaming can be a good way into imagining what you want. Because you can explore how what you want to create will look, feel, and evolve over time. Daydreaming exercises your imagination and brings you into a more whole brain state which provides a relaxed way of being more present in the moment. It is important not to rush, don’t be impatient, because you are going to set off in a direction and you want to be clear that it is the direction that you really want.

You can also brainstorm, write lists, talk it through with friends and family but never forget it’s what you want not what anybody else wants. However if you are doing this project with others then you are going to need to work out how each of you are going to contribute to the project. If it is an equal partnership then you go through the process of dreaming up the project together.

Machaelle Small Wright in her Garden Workbook advises us to write down the DDP of the garden or project. DDP stands for Definition, Direction, Purpose. Doing this really helps to get clear and succinct about a specific project. The DDP needs to be as short as you can make it, for instance it could be “A kitchen garden to provide as much fruit, herbs and vegetables though out the year to nourish our family”.

I found it very difficult when we first tried to write our DDP for the Healing Garden Project, but as you work at it, it really helps you to get clear about what you want and if you are doing it with another person it means you both develop a clear understanding of the Garden or project. Machaelle Wright has a wonderful website with many resources that can be purchased from her in the USA or from in the UK. If you want to get deeply into the co-creative process with Nature then I recommend you researching the subject by reading her work .

Getting in touch with the creative you can bring up all sorts of blocks in the form of negative believes and emotions. How can we deal with them? My approach in the first place is to be grateful of the wonderful opportunity to engage with a shadow aspect and release and heal that part of ourselves. A very simple way is to sit with the feelings, to give them space, accept them and pay attention to them and see what happens. There is a lot of information about releasing emotions available to-day. Two good books are The Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin and The Secret of Letting Go by Guy Finley. It is so valuable to find a process that works for you as it allows one to be more open positive and therefore creative. Negative believes are often associated with emotions but may need to be tackled by looking at a positive counterpoint. Of course there are some very difficult emotional states that may require professional support and one needs to be open to asking for help and support when it is needed. All change, growth and creation requires us to let go and move into the unknown and this is what we sign up to when we decide to co-create with Nature.

Many of you may be familiar with the creative process and recognise many aspects of what I have been writing about and how necessary it is to really do the work of getting clear about what you want to create. Without doing this it is very difficult to communicate with Nature what we want and therefore it makes it difficult for Nature to do their side of the Co-creation. So lets say we have done the work and we are clear about what we want to create and we have our DDP

Communication is the next name of the game. How do we communicate with Nature? Firstly Nature will hear what we say and as long as we are clear about what we are communicating then it is straight forward to speak with Nature, the question then, is how does Nature communicate with us? We are energetic beings as is Nature and our bodies have evolved from Nature so we can use this clear connection in various ways. There is a great deal of folk lore that points to people trying to listen to Nature, but what has been handed down to us is not really of much practical use. We really need to practice and give it our full attention to develop this ability.

The first to look at is; Gut instinct, our guts remain closely aligned to the natural world through interacting with the world through what we eat and drink and our digestive processes which are a king of listening. So we can ask questions and see if we can get a positive or negative response from our gut feel.

The second we can look at is Kinesiology or muscle testing. This process involves the electrical system of the body to give us a negative or positive response by making our muscles go weak for a negative response, or strong for a positive.

Thirdly we have dowsing with the use of a pendulum, this again is using the innate wisdom of the body to swing the pendulum in various directions.

Fourthly there is intuition, which we could say is a level up from gut feeling in the sense that more nuanced information can be received and for some people who have a well developed intuition it can develop into a form of telepathy.

In the next blog I will go into more detail and explore more what I do. The key consideration in this subject of communicating with Nature is that we need to use more than our intellects. We need to move towards using the whole of our brains and possible all of our bodies. This is a wholistic approach that is a journey towards realising our place in the oneness of life. As intelligent Co-creators with Nature how exciting is that?

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