Francis Randall
Site of the food garden
I made the move to Spain in July this year, have been here for over two months now. The move was full of challenges, which continue, but with the amazing determination and energy of my partner Rosalba we got a lot of the stuff done in the 4 weeks she was here. I am now beginning to feel that I really have arrived and am not feeling such an alien as I did when we first arrived. I do feel very well looked after and my new neighbours have been very helpful and supportive. What I really have noticed is the support from Nature my higher self and any other beings that are concerned with me and this project.
I recently realized I have been avoiding writing and that I am very good at finding other things to do of which there are many. However this evening I have problems with the electricity and I find myself with less distractions, and as I paused with the thought what shall I do now? I turned to my higher self and the answer came back time to start writing. I do have a lot of resistance around writing probably because of my experiences at school, as I was dyslexic and writing and spelling were a torture for me. More stuff to let go of and embrace myself as perfect. I may even get to enjoy writing and expressing myself on paper!
I am sitting at the table in our kitchen writing by candle light and it is so very quiet with just the sound and the bells of the sheep and the wind as a possible storm is forecast. I am currently living on my own which is a novel experience. I have a lot of space around me and am therefore able to be more aware of my inner space which I am gradually relaxing into as the initial urgencies of all that needed to be done when we arrived recede. As I feel more embodied and therefore more in the present moment I become aware of when I am rushing and forcing the issue I realise that I have spent a lot of my life doing that. Here there is so much to do and on a scale that is mountainous, rushing becomes a little bit absurd and I can relax into being and doing in the moment and enjoy whatever the activity, this allows room for awareness of one’s intuition
The centre of the circular food garden with a path around it
We are calling the whole project the Healing Garden Project and where we grow our main food the food garden. There are different areas on the land which will have different functions. I have started on the food garden which I am excited about. For this, I have embraced the work of Machaelle Small Wright who created the Perelandra Garden and has written The Garden Workbook 1 and 2 which are wonderful books about how to work co-creatively with Nature. I started by doing energy clearing and balancing processes, which include a calibration process for the gardener, in which you identify any blocks or issues you are experiencing and state them clearly to nature, then sit or lie down for 30 mins something I always enjoy and pay attention as Nature goes to work. The idea is that we are consciousness and nature provides us with mental emotional and physical bodies which enable us to be in the physical world. So Nature knows how to adjust and heal our bodies. During the half hour you may have insights into the issue or not, after the half hour you test for flower essences and move on. It is working really well for me and I feel more confident relaxed and just get on with whatever comes next. There is a lovely feeling of everything working out perfectly.
First thing to do in planning the garden is to write clearly what you want from your food garden, then Nature is able to come up with all the measurements to match what you want with the piece of land where the garden is to be situated. Next, where on the land is the food garden to go? I have a drawing of the land with all the different areas and I muscle test to find where Nature suggests is the best area for the food garden, a little scary as one is giving up control of the decision and who knows what Nature may come up with. No surprises here the Garden is to be situated in the most obvious place in terms of ease of watering. Next was size, shape and measurements. What I got was two areas, one a circle with a diameter of 26 meters and a square 25.5 meters just touching the circle. Why 25.5 meters why not a round 26 meters like the circle? As I worked on the measurements of paths and beds it became obvious. The size of the beds in the square mean that they fit into the 25.5 meters, perfect of course naturally!!!
Having established the plan on paper which was quite a challenge in itself it has been some time since I did geometry and did scale drawings! It took a few goes but I got there and now want to do a nice colourful version, which I will share. I then needed to translate the drawing onto the land. I was amazed and delighted how perfectly the design of the garden fitted into the chosen area It is just perfect. The physical work followed in marking out the paths, the central area and the circumference, which I have just completed. Seeing the size of the area marked out is a little daunting but it will keep me fit and active that’s for sure.
So assessment so far is that Nature is spot on and I am loving the feeling of working with Nature and am developing a very good habit of checking in with Nature to make sure I am on the right track with whatever I am doing. At the same time I am also checking in with my Higher self more in making all sorts of decisions and as a consequence I feel that my days are flowing well.
There is one area in which, I am struggling and that is Mosquitoes! They bring out a lot of emotions in me and I feel very frustrated in how to deal with them so that ones evenings in the house are not ruined. One method is to put netting on all the windows and not leave doors open thereby keeping the house free of them. I just don’t like the idea of a fortress house. I have tuned to Nature about this subject and got the message that it was all about levels of energy and one needed to develop unconditional love for all Gods creation and from that place of love all solutions are possible. It made me realise that, I feel attacked and victimised by these tiny creatures. More work to do on poor me the victim. A funny thought crossed my mind that when I get to that place of unconditional love for all, I will be able to look back and thank the Mosquitoes!!!!!
The three paths that lead into the center dividing the circle garden into three