Healing Garden Project 30-03-2024
We live in a world of duality so we experience life as oneself and then the world out there and we often experience ourselves as divided seeing our bodies as something other than us. The world out there has largely been seen as Nature, and many aspects of nature have been at odds with us: Weather, dangerous creatures, insects and parasites. Other human beings have often been the greatest threat to our existence so no wonder we have developed a difficult and confused relationship with Nature and the world out there, our bodies and ourselves. We continue to be at war with each other and Nature always trying to control the world out there.
I really cannot think of anything more stressful and in the end self defeating. Is Nature really out to get us?? When we look at the bigger picture, however, in terms of evolution, it is evident that Human Beings are one of Nature’s great achievements. Body and brain enable the Human Being to live anywhere on this planet, to have walked on the moon, to dive deep under the great oceans, to create music, art, literature, architecture, engineering, computing and so much more. There seems no end to what we are able to create.
If our bodies are the product of Nature and evolution, then what is our purpose and why are we not in harmony with Nature? These are some of the questions that have made us interested in Co-Creating with Nature. What is to be gained by doing so? Well if we compare the natural world with what Human Beings create we see some glaring differences. I have to say that for me, Nature has an artistic soul. The shape, form, colour, balance and harmony that we see in Nature’s creation is, to me, magnificent. There is also a generosity and consistency that creates stability, which has certainly allowed Humans and a whole multitude of beings to prosper. We are very much a product of Nature so it seems strange to me that we don’t have a deeper appreciation and gratitude for what Nature has done for us. Just looking at this beautiful planet we live on must must be enough to convince us of that.
There is no doubt that Humans share many of Natures artistic abilities in their creative endeavours, however, we often see and act with a very narrow, short term and selfish perspective. This results in destructive behaviours with often long term consequences. We just have to look at the World at the moment to see that Humans have developed the power to possibly destroy all life on this planet. This current age is being seen as the sixth mass extinction, which is happening faster than any before and appears largely due to the activities of human beings. If we compare the activities of Humans and Nature, it becomes clear to me that we need to understand Nature and ourselves better and then, we may be able to move forward in a more positive direction.
Co-Creation with Nature, I am sure, will enable us to find our true purpose and really enjoy life. So to understand who and what we are we need to ask the question: What is really our true purpose? Machaelle Wright, who co-created the Perelandra Garden with Nature did just this and was able to communicate with Nature, more about that later. These quotes by Nature are from the The Perelandra Garden Workbook by Machaelle Wright, highly recommended if you want to co-create with Nature.
“What all form has in common is intelligence. How it expresses its flow is determined by the unique qualities of the form itself. All form must have intelligence in order to exist because all forms must be linked with and express it’s highest or soul dynamics. Intelligence is the organising force that provides the movement of soul through form. If you could see and feel this dynamic, you would experience an active force moving through all creation that in size, scope and power would be beyond words.
We have said that all form has in common intelligence. By this we mean that the organising intelligence dynamic within all form may be vied as similar. This is critical for you to understand because it is the reason you may interface and interact with the intelligence of anything around you. You may say that the intelligence of something operates within a universal framework, thus allowing for full and complete interchange.``
This conveys a concept that intelligence is something vaster than we can conceive and that we need to be more humble in our approach to it.
“With each major classification of form there is a key element within its intelligence that defines it making it unique with respect to every other classification.
With Humans, the key element is free will.
With Nature, the key element is inherent balance.
Nature reality does not contain free will, and Human intelligence does not contain inherent balance. The organisation flow (intelligence) of Nature’s soul dynamic moves through its
various forms reflecting inherent balance – always. Nature does not need or use words. At all times, nature knows. On its own it does not need words to convey within Nature what it knows. Language, then, can become another bridge between the two intelligences. It succeeds when the differences between human and nature intelligences are recognised, addressed and incorporated in the common language. It fails when humans expect nature to understand and use language and to
otherwise intellectually function as humans do.
I hope this information wets your appetite to know more as it really is vital that we open our minds and hearts to nature so that we are able to create in a way that is for the benefit of all life on this planet. This is what we intend to explore in creating the Healing Garden.
Love and Peace