Francis Randall
Communing happens when we allow love to flow. This is more likely to happen when there is some recognition of the other, that reminds us of the essential oneness of life. Very often the problem we have as humans is that we are lost in our shadow and not aware of the connection to our majestic Nature origin. Although we can sense that Nature is this powerful force that provides us with this dynamic world of extraordinary beauty, rhythm and mystery. Unfortunately our reaction has often been one of fear, feeling threatened by the power, wildness and unpredictability of Nature.
In response to our fear we have sought to tame, domesticate, predict and control Nature and in doing so we have become fearful of the wildness within ourselves. It is very evident that in our insane attempts to subdue and control the world around us, including each other and our own bodies, we are killing life on this planet and ourselves. What a tragedy. I feel it deep in my heart and this is the reason I feel committed to develop a new relationship with Nature. Learning to commune with and to feel Nature by awakening to our inner selves. To feel the energy in our bodies, to feel the life force moving through the landscape in our food and water and into our bodies, making us feel alive and full of vigour. To give full reign to our free will. To choose intelligently in co-creating with Nature. This is our dream, and the Healing Garden Project is our way to explore the potentials of co-creating with Nature.
Nature really is inviting us to explore our full potential and we can do this in any area of life that we choose to explore. There are so many avenues open to us in the world today, what an adventure when we realise the perfect partner for us to explore and create is Nature. What ever we choose, if we can be mindful of co-creating, the results will be in balance, harmonious and beautiful. To commune, communicate and create with Nature we need to find ways to open our bodies, hearts and minds. In doing so we will also begin to heal ourselves, our relationships, our families, our communities and our environments. In this way we will grow, expand and evolve.
I have been sitting with and exploring these ideas for most of my life and I am sure that looking at me at this point in my life it can seem that I have very little to show for it, however the reality is that, we all have a lot of clearing up to do in terms of our inner being. I have been involved in this Spiritual work of self healing towards dissolving the illusions of the shadow in order to be able to see more clearly the truth and the love that surrounds me. All this work takes time and has brought me to a place where I now feel able to commune and co-create with Nature and share my experiences with you so that you will be able to more easily find your path and join with others who are on this awakening to their free will and the joy of co-creating with Nature.
Today I realised the importance of repetition. I am in the process of learning Spanish and without repetition I would not get anywhere, when we first hear some information we may only hear a part of it and it may take many repetitions over time for us to fully appreciate, understand and ground that information. So I will often repeat information in ways that will help us all to deepen our understanding and ability to co-create with Nature. As we embark on consciously relating and communing with Nature it is important to be aware that Nature is not in the business of passing judgement on us. Making mistakes is part of the process of learning and Nature will give us all the compassionate feedback that we need in learning to come into a co-creative relationship.
So how do we get into relationship with Nature? Well we already are in relationship, we are just not conscious of it. Think about how aware of our bodies we are? How often do we actually engage with Nature as an intelligent being? How often do we express our gratitude for all the wonders of this world? This, I think is such an important starting place for us to move out of the fear into the love and respect for Nature. By starting to do this we can begin to acknowledge our intelligence (free will) and Nature’s intelligence (inherent balance). In this way we can take responsibility for what we need to do and leave Nature to do what Nature dose in the co-creative relationship. We need to learn to relax and allow yourself to be you. Observe yourself and the world around you. Practice mindfulness, recognise what Nature is doing and be grateful. We are in a wonderful world full of amazing possibilities so how do we want to relate to and what do we want to create with Nature? It can be anything you truly want. That is the free will part, having the free will to choose and the good news is that Nature knows how to bring whatever you choose into being with inherent balance.
I hope you are getting the idea and feel for this. There is of course a lot of detail to fill in and it is important for me to say that on the one hand I am a beginner and there is so much I do not know. But in reality we are all perfectly able to do this because this is who we are as human beings, we just need to remember who we are and everything starts to fall into place. Next time I will explore some practical details of communication and getting clear on what we want to co-create with Nature.