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Un viaje heroico

Francisco Randall

Hay muchos mitos e historias que describen el viaje de los HĆ©roes y es a partir de nuestra propia experiencia que sentimos que todas y cada una de las personas tienen un viaje heroico que hacer. Cuando nos enfrentamos a problemas de salud en cualquier forma, puede parecer que nos enfrentamos a desafĆ­os y obstĆ”culos insuperables. Que somos tan pequeƱos, sabemos tan poco y estamos solos en nuestro sufrimiento. AsĆ­ es como el ego se encuentra en este mundo de dualidad. ĀæDĆ³nde estĆ” la verdad? ĀæDĆ³nde estĆ” la sabidurĆ­a? ĀæDĆ³nde estĆ” el amor que nos conecta y sana?


Creemos que todo lo que buscamos estĆ” dentro de nosotros y esperamos guiar a las personas a mirar dentro de sĆ­ mismas, a vencer sus demonios internos y encontrar lo que han estado buscando.

"A medida que estos jardines co-creativos se establezcan en todo el planeta, tendremos el establecimiento de puntos de poder que irradiarƔn energƭa curativa al medio ambiente".

Como entrenadora, Rosalba me hizo entender muy claro y simple el proceso de PSYCH-K, quĆ© implica y cĆ³mo funciona para mĆ­ hacer los cambios que necesitaba. Rosalba es tranquila, dedicada, tranquilizadora y empĆ”tica. Ella me hizo sentir a gusto y en confianza.
Estoy muy agradecida por su guĆ­a, dedicaciĆ³n, su conocimiento, su profesionalismo, su apoyo durante todo el proceso. Fue una experiencia muy positiva para mĆ­.
Rosalba me enseĆ±Ć³ algunas herramientas y principios para usar en mi vida diaria. Hoy en dĆ­a me siento mĆ”s feliz, mĆ”s saludable, mĆ”s tranquila y mucho mĆ”s segura y fuerte para enfrentar la vida y sus desafĆ­os.

Francis y Rosalba han realizado un extenso trabajo sobre sĆ­ mismos con la desintoxicaciĆ³n, el ayuno y el estudio minucioso y la experiencia directa han diseƱado sencillos protocolos de limpieza. Me han ayudado a recuperar la fuerza fĆ­sica y emocional cuando mĆ”s lo necesitaba.  Ofrecen con increĆ­ble humildad y generosidad. Como pareja, estĆ”n totalmente comprometidos con su propio viaje fĆ­sico, mental y espiritual y esto hace que sus ofrendas sean autĆ©nticas y ricas. Recomiendo encarecidamente su trabajo a cualquiera que estĆ© interesado en sanar y tomar el control de sus cuerpos y mentes".

Me gustan mucho las clases con Rosalba, siempre hay algo nuevo que practicamos y disfruto de los beneficios, sintiƩndome completamente relajada y en sintonƭa con mi cuerpo despuƩs, ella siempre aporta algo nuevo y me anima a explorar mi cuerpo y sus necesidades" .


Yoga Practice
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Program: "From Body Shame to Body Love"

Get a Healthy and Sustainable Body Weight that makes you feel proud of Yourself, allows you to embrace your body’s unique needs and helps you to transform your life through loving and accepting the body as a precious gift.

This is a 121 coaching program. It consists on direct sessions, aiming for you achieve a healthy body weight that is sustainable through your life, with not need of dieting and/or exhausting exercising. This organic program includes: mindset, emotional work, addressing nutritional unbalances, and support with detoxing protocols. The length of the Program depends on the client specific conditions/needs, it can go from 4 sessions to a 5 o 6 months long. 

Does it describe you:

- Have struggled to sustain a healthy body weight 
- Have tried many different diets, protocols, exercising routines, visualizations and so on, some times with success but always reversing these results towards the same weight or more
- Have tried it all to lose weight and are at the point of hopelessness/desperation
- Know that there is an organic and loving way to achieve and sustain a healthy body weight but do not know how to start.
- Feel trapped, slave, victim, guilty, ashamed of your body.
- Feel like chasing a body figure and shape that keeps escaping from you.
- Want (even if not aware of it), to transform your life, and you are aware that your body can be a door way to become more connected to your life purpose.
- Have an unhealthy relation ship with food/appetite, seeing them as enemies and/or replacement to overcome unpleasant emotions.
- Have all the information about healthy eating but emotionally do not have the freedom to chose the best options.





It is necessary to emphasize that this program is diet free and requires commitment to look at some issues that are the root of overweight. This is a process calling for self responsibility and self awareness, commitment to transform your body and your live in a loving way.


1. 121 Weekly of biweekly sessions one hour long: I will coach around eating, emotions around food, eating patterns, cravings, binging.  In this sessions we will go beyond the physical aspects of body weight to enquire and understand the core aspects of your weight issues.


2. Comprehensive workbooks:

-Body Confidence Acceleration Workbook: which contains specific practices towards body love and embodiment.

-Informative/Educational guides around nutrition and detoxing.  These guides will support your process towards better nutrition, gut health, meeting your cravings in a healthy way to keep the anxiety at bay.  Embracing the information from these guides will make you feel more empowered in your process towards  your Healthy Body Weight.


BONUS : Support with Kidney and liver Cleanses as part of the process of declutter the body to facilitate the loss weight process. This component includes the guidelines for liver and kidneys cleanses, as well as my professional support.  My husband and I have developed and perfected these two protocols in the last 10 years.  They are part of our yearly spring cleanse.  We have adapted them with supplements, herbs and specific food that is adaptable to different eating regimes and preferences.


This program is personalized and therefore the length is depending on your own process.


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Rosalba Randall

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Coach Transformacional de Mentalidad. Profesor de yoga


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Francisco Randall

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HomeĆ³pata. Practicante de alineaciĆ³n de vida

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